A plan to introduce Vermicomposting Toilets (toilets that use earthworms to convert human waste into fertiliser) into the poorer areas of Lobitos and Piedritas, where many people are without basic toilet facilities and have resulted to open defecation.
Reduce strain on existing sewage systems which are overflowing
Minimises health risks posed by poor sanitation such as cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea, stomach aches and polio
Provides people with a safe place and to carry out basic bodily functions with dignity
Can be used to sustain green beds capable of producing useful plants such as Vetiver
Produces high grade compost
Low energy, cost efficient, self-sustaining
Want to find out how it works? Please check out our video below and be sure to ask any questions.
Wow this is great Owen and I feel an idea that could work!